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Sunday Service

In Person Worship with Communion

As we continue to hold each other in love and care during this pandemic time, we are instituting the following Covid protocols for worship services.


As a sign of our care and love for one another, we are requiring that everyone over the age of 3 wear a mask and wash or sanitize their hands upon entry into the church building.  Worship leaders may choose to briefly remove their face masks for the purpose of sung solos and readings. Proof of full vaccination (BC Vaccine Card) is now required upon entry for every individual 12 years and older for every service. Worshipers experiencing symptoms of illness should not attend in person and are encouraged to join us online.


Worship attendees will be greeted at the 42nd Street entrance off of the narthex when the door opens at 10:00 am. The ushers will continue to seat people to encourage social distancing. The "upstairs" washrooms will only be available to attendees with mobility issues; please use the mezzanine-level washrooms, under the narthex.  

Once the service is over, attendees may mingle in the narthex for up to 15 minutes. A bell will mark the end of this period, please exit at that time.                     


With the start of Advent, we are resuming the practice of Holy Communion. As with so many aspects of our pandemic life, communion at First Lutheran will look different than it did before the pandemic. We are using wafers ONLY, no wine. The ushers will direct people forward, respecting social distancing. There is a sanitizing station beside the second row of pews – please use this to sanitize your hands before proceeding. You will need to keep your mask up while collecting your wafer. The presider will be in the center to distribute wafers; please indicate if you need a gluten-free wafer. Please wait until you return to your seat to consume the wafer. Congregants with mobility issues can receive communion at their seats as usual. If you do not wish to receive communion, please cross your arms over your chest to indicate that you would prefer a blessing from the presider and return to your seat using the outside aisles.


Thank you for your care and attention to keeping our services as low risk as possible for our community.


We will continue to stream our services our YouTube Channel for anyone who is unvaccinated or partially vaccinated, experiencing illness, or who chooses not to attend in person.


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