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New REVISED Covid Protocols - Beginning 12/19/2021

As we continue to hold each other in love and care during this pandemic time, we are instituting the following changes to our Covid protocols starting with the 19 December 2021 service. 


  • Proof of full vaccination (BC Vaccine Card) must be shown to the usher upon entry for every individual 12 years and up for every service. No exceptions.


  • Face masks are mandatory for all individuals age 3 and up.


  • Exterior narthex doors will be opened no later than 10 a.m. on Sundays. Worshipers may sit quietly in the pews before and after the service for individual prayer and contemplation.


  • Windows in the sanctuary space will be kept closed during the service to preserve heat inside the building. Doors in the narthex space may be left open before and/or after the service to allow for proper entrance and egress at the discretion of the ushers.


  • Ushers will continue to seat participants to encourage social distancing.


  • Worship leaders may choose to briefly remove their face masks for the purpose of sung solos and/or readings. 


  • We will be practicing communion in one kind with just the wafer (no wine). Once you receive your wafer, kindly wait until you return your seat to consume.


  • Worshipers will be asked to depart directly after the postlude, respecting social distancing.


  • Worshipers showing symptoms of illness or who are unable to comply with these protocols are encouraged to worship with us online.


Thank you for your care and attention to keeping our services as low risk as possible for our community. 


We will continue to stream our services via our YouTube Channel for anyone who is unable to adhere to these current measures, is unvaccinated or partially vaccinated, or who chooses not to attend in person. 


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